No small cages, no threats, no wing clipping, no forced bird training, no obstacles.
My Life Story
I will have to be brief otherwise I will need to write a whole book! Coming soon!
From the moment I was born, my life started in drama- the whole “Days of our Lives” drama.
But I will be brief and discuss relevant events that many of you can relate to also.
From a family of constant personal and life issues, to my 2 marriages.
Fast forward to now- or the past 10 years or so.
In early 2006, I fell terribly ill- I thought it was just a bad cold/virus. I was never very ill before- I hardly visited doctors and hated taking medications. I was sick for at least 6 weeks with severe fatigue, calmer for few days then sick again- I could not stand up, I was holding onto the wall to stand upright and to walk. I could not walk to my letterbox to check my mail. My ex-husband would travel for 2 hours from his workplace at lunchtime to feed me as I could not move. But I did not even think this health condition could be something serious as I never experienced serious illnesses before myself or within my family. I had a mortgage to pay and life expenses- and as usual, it was natural for me to keep wanting and needing to work- it’s just what I did and what you do to live and survive. I started working after school since 14 because I wanted to- not because I had to. So any few minutes of sitting upright I took advantage of calling job agencies for work, then I would collapse again. I did not discuss my health issues with anyone, hardly even with my husband, as I felt I would be perceived as weak – and everyone knew me as the busy strong woman at home, work, etc. I would work full time, volunteer, study- do home chores- everything- I mean everything.
Before this incident, from 2005-2006, I went through a horrible time of workplace bullying- whilst I was climbing the corporate ladder, the narcissists reared their ugly heads and pulled the rug from under me- they hated me moving forward- why? Jealous narcissists. They tried everything to kick me out of my career- everything. Then when they ganged up with my unethical boss, I had no one to turn to for support in the workplace- no one. My whole identity revolved around my career and how I worked so hard 7 days a week, with work and studies, to strive toward my career goals. The doctor the workplace sent me to told me to to take Prozac to deal with my sadness. I refused for obvious toxic reasons plus I have always been against medications.
Fast forward 10 years- whilst visiting various doctors for other medical issues leading up to this, no GP really said anything effective about my fatigue or my symptoms- I had one GP say- “get some rest.” I thought: ‘good for you to say whilst you work, earn money, go on holidays and can plan your days”- Rest? I thought, my body won’t move whilst my mind is on overdrive for all the lost years I need to catch up on. Then I was told, take zinc, take this, take that, could be this- could be that- so my faith in the medical industry very quickly subsided. I realised I was paying them doctor fees for guessing and wasting my time in waiting rooms. I should have asked for my money back- saving me over $200,000 dollars on trying to treat my debilitating pains & illnesses.
I have tried naturopaths, acupuncture, massage, counselling/psychologist, chiropractors, homeopathy, ‘conventional’ GP’s and functional GP’s, allergy specialists, dieticians, physiotherapists, healers, clairvoyants, psychics, nothing has worked. They just all guessed and recited their text books. They had no life experiences of what I was going through, no text book information on my illnesses, no empathy. Just ready to charge my credit card.
Then around 2 years ago I came across Vimergy vitamins and Anthony Williams- the Medical Medium. So I read his websites/books and watched his videos and listened to his podcasts. His information made medical sense to me and seems logical. After all I have read and heard about my symptoms, only the MM comes close to explaining how the Epstein Barr Virus and other viruses wreak havoc upon our immune system. Especially when there are emotional issues + the virus= health problems.
Anthony & Vimergy have saved my life when everyone else around me either ignored me, misunderstood me, mocked me or blamed me, during my debilitating illnesses. Including my ignorant family, ignorant friends and ex-husband who had no idea how serious my health problems were whilst I could not move. I even experienced paralysis, but I went through it alone emotionally.
So if you feel misunderstood and confused about your health issues, feel free to connect with me. I will understand you and help you more than any Harvard educated professor who gets paid to write what the pharmaceutical companies tell him/her to write about illnesses and viruses.
Metaphysical Qualifications
Certificate of Massage
Many Lives Many Masters, Workshop, Brian Weiss
Visionary Intuitive Healing Workshop, Inna Segal
Reiki Level 1 & Reiki Level 2
Oracle reading Workshop
Aura Reading Workshop
Hands on Healing Workshop
Astrology Workshop- Roderick Kidston
Aromatherapy Workshop
Counselling/Coaching Qualifications
Diploma Applied Social Science – Counselling- Australian College of Applied Psychology
Certificate in Integrative Mental Health, Cyndie Kopsen & Caroline Young
Coaching & the Development of Executive Talent, Workshop, Randall White (Executive Development Group, USA)
‘Understanding relationships in coaching through the use of feedback, feeding forward personal goals,’ Workshop, Dr Almuth McDowell, London
Grief & Bereavement Support, Australian Centre for Grief & Bereavement
Anger management, Coaching, Coping with Unemployment, Couple
Counselling, General Addiction, Pre-marital Counselling, Relationship Breakdown, School Bullying, Workplace Harassment, Drug/ Alcohol
Rehabilitation, Anxiety, Depression, Psychosis, Intellectual Disability & Mental Health, Grief & Bereavement, Dementia, Mental Health Academy
‘How food affects learning and behaviour‘ Fedup Roadshow, Sue Dengate
‘Why have allergies become epidemic in Australia?’ Allergy Workshop, Dr Susan Prescott
Business/Corporate Qualifications
Diploma of Project Management
Certificate IV Business Development
Certificate IV Workplace Training & Assessment
Mentor Business Skills Program - Young Achievement Australia
Event Management Certificate
Certificate of Hospitality
Real Estate for Agents’ Representative
Contact Paris
My name is Paris and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a qualified and experienced Life Counsellor and am here to really listen to you.
You are probably here because you may have been to so many other counsellors/healers/psychologists and you still feel stuck in square 1, or that your life is not moving on as it should. I know that today, 2022, life has changed completely- it will never be the same as before- and why should it be? We’ve needed this ‘kick up our backside’ to shift our brain thinking differently about ourselves, others and the world.
But there is no guide book to our new world. There is no life manual. We feel like we have to sort it out on our own. Right? It pretty much is that way. But those who can navigate life easier than others is because they have mentors who guide them. Mentors who have had so many experiences and life setbacks, that they love to pass on their knowledge to others, to save them the headaches that they experienced themselves.
Sounds noble right? So here I step in- you cannot imagine the experiences I have had and continue to have about relationships, work, life, families, health, etc. I have given up thinking I have learnt enough to navigate life- not at all. Each day I am learning that there are so many different strategies to dealing with life’s challenges, whether big or small challenges. And I want to share these with you- the solutions that is!
We all need someone to talk to, someone we can trust and someone we are confident in who can listen to us and not judge our emotions or our thoughts. We all need someone who will genuinely empathise and understand what we are trying to get ‘off our chest.’ So if you want someone to make you feel worthy and listen to any issue that is on your mind, confidentially, I have time for you.
Appointments are available constantly- flexible times- I need time out too don’t forget!
Problems arise for you all times of the day etc so I want to make myself available when you need someone most- problems aren’t just 9-5 and if you need help now- you need it now– not next week- I get that…..
Hear from you soon, High Vibrations!